We are Victims

We received a Vaccine
For the good of the Country
To protect the NHS, the vulnerable, the Economy

We were fit, healthy, cognitive Beings
In our prime
Of course we did the right thing
We were told it was the right thing
Our Duty

As decent human beings we rolled up our sleeves

That sadly is where it ends
The Government’s stand
Resolutely, We’re in it together
Together we will get through

I didn’t feel that spirit when in desperation I collapsed upon the floor
In the Ambulance all alone
At the crossing in the rain with crutches gripped in my palms

I no longer hear the camaraderie
of pots & pans
I hear clicks of a stick & helplessness
I hear sobering compassion passed
A stale hangover fatigue
I hear the disdain of memories past
Not wishing to revisit dark visions gone by

Close my eyes
I see bluebells in meadows
I see daffodils blowing
I see waves crashing on white-sand beaches

Open now I see no longer
I see friends walk by
I see what I have lost
I see what has been stolen

I am a Victim
I am a Victim of a Crime
I feel no longer
I am no longer me
I, We are Victims of a Crime