Letters and Documents

This page is still under construction – more to come soon. *The opinions expressed by the authors of these documents are not necessarily the views of Scottish Vaccine Injury Group

Open letter to Professor Cooke, interim co-chair at UKs MHRA: Should the need for a product recall of the AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2 sterile injectables be investigated by the Defective Medicines Report Centre?
Letter raising serious concerns about under-reporting. Citing under-reporting of adverse events was, on average, 94% and possibly as high as 98%,

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on pandemic response and recovery has raised “serious patient safety concerns” about the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), along with other aspects of a system that, “far from protecting patients, continues to put them at serious risk”.

European Medicines Agency.  EMA confirms that the Covid-19-“vaccines” never have been authorised for the prevention of the viral transmission. This calls into question vaccine passports and mandating the vaccines. 

The age of deceased and case number for all reported adverse events resulting in death for events reported against any of the TGA approved COVID-19 vaccines. and Post approval commitments by sponsor for Comirnaty in relation to batch analysis for drug product batches manufactured at Pfizer.

The mRNA vaccines have now been proven to cause the body to produce random proteins through transcription errors caused by frame-shifting due to the genetic modification of the mRNA vaccines with artificial pseudomethyluridine.

Read the research paper this is based on here

Read comments by other doctors and researchers on this paper here: